Friday, May 21, 2010

Ways to know they are not your true friends.

1. If you always listen to their problems, give them advice, and comfort them but they are absent when you say you're having ONE OF THOSE DAYS because you mss your husband... They aren't a true friend.
2. If they always try to out do you to make you jealous or to make you feel sorry for them.
3. If they only talk to you when they want something.
4.If they lose contact with you when you're out of town for a short period of time, and then regain it when you come back.
5. If they lie to you or talk about you behind your back... A given.

I feel like I need to express a valid point not just for the military wives out there, but for people in general. It is better to have one good friend, then a handful of bad friends. Finding out who were my true friends was very hard for me, because all that was left was my husband at first. I was heartbroken. But looking back now that they aren't in my lives my life is better without them. I no longer got taken advantage of or ran over. No one to make me feel like shit when i was already having a bad day. No one to make me feel stupid for missing my husband so much.

Negative, unhealthy people in your life will only turn you into a altered version of themselves. After all in trying to defeat our enemy we in the end become them. If you feel alone and abandoned, there is a reason the people in your past didn't make it to your future. Have patience and beautiful people will come into your life in the right moments. Or at least I'm hopeful.

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