Thursday, May 20, 2010

Those who love each other shall become invincible.

I've been with my husband since October of my freshman year. Two years older than I am. He was the third boyfriend I had ever had and within the first year I knew he was the one. Controversial to say the least, no one thought it would be forever for us. Our parents tried to separate us on numorous occasions. But here we are practically six years later with our third year wedding anniversary on June 8th. We have been through a lot together. Both with a good share of mistakes and close calls where we didn't think we'd make it. But Basic Combat Training was the hardest thing I've been through yet. And we are stronger than ever.

A week after he had left I had fallen apart. I didn't eat, I skipped the first day of classes, And I didn't sleep. I was not functional except to the extent of taking care of my children. We were stuck At the hip and best friends to say the least. We were so in tune with eachother, and when he was hundreds of miles away from me I felt a big piece missing from my life. It didn't help that I had no help, no support. No one undrstood why I was so sad. One day when all I did was stare at a computer, barely leaving the couch, I was overwhelmed with epiphany. I was wondering how I was going to keep from relapsing from MDD and then it happened. As I was watching all the videos I could about basic training and Fort Jackson, I cried. I felt like at that moment my husband and I were connected. Thinking about each other in the same instant. He was sacrificing everything for me and our babies. The things he would accomplish and go through was much more than I could have ever asked of him. He then became my inspiration and my hero. If he could endure BCT I could be the best I could be. It wa selfish of me to sit around and stop my life, when he was doing this so I could live it.

The letters are what got me through it. We helped eachother stay motivated and positive. I'm not really sure how exactly I kept from falling apart, there were instances in where I wasn't myself, but the fact is we survived. And I've fallen in love with him all over gain. I'm a stronger person for the things I've gone through so far in my life. But together we are invincible.

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